
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Today I'm thankful:

--for feeling better!  I've been under the weather for about two weeks now, but this past weekend, I went downhill big time and quick.  I don't think I have ever coughed so much which in turn led to a throat that has never been so sore.  I was miserable.

--for modern medicine and butt shots!  I never thought I'd be one to volunteer for a shot (I utterly despise needles), but that's how bad I felt when I finally made it to the doctor yesterday morning.  After negative tests for the flu, strep, and mono, all he could do was give me a shot, antibiotics, and some cough syrup.  By last night, I was already feeling a lot better but still not great.  Today, I feel good again!  I'm still coughing and I don't completely have my voice back, but I've been able to have some energy and not be miserable all day!  It has been FAB-u-lous!

--for my mama.  She came over last night to help me with Bella (and give me a little TLC too).  So I got to sleep without the monitor and with my door closed....mmm...and the hydro-codone laced cough syrup helped knock me smoothe out as well as help me not wake up 15 times every hour coughing and hacking.  Again--FAB-u-lous!  Plus today, she did my laundry and dishes, helped me clean out and organize both freezers, and made me broccoli casserole.  It was great.  We got to visit and giggle and catch up--we hadn't seen each other since Christmas--and play with the sweet little Bella bug.  My mama's pretty great :)

--for my mother-in-law.  I jokingly put on Facebook late one night as I lay awake coughing my lungs up and listening to my also sick daughter (ear infection) scream, that I was taking offers for people to come take care of us.  I woke up the next day to a message that my husband's mom was taking off half a day of work to come take care of us and make us chicken n dumplins (aka, one of my favorites and the BEST comfort food).  Oh man.  We also got to catch up and visit, and it was a pleasant evening even though at that time I still felt absolutely terrible.

--that our church family came together and donated so many school supplies for the restocking drive I organized last fall!  My intention was to hand them out in January, mid-school year, as students' supplies usually need a little boost again at that time.  Well, this week, we've been able to deliver those supplies to local schools and it has been a tremendous effort to be a part of!

--for my husband.  He's a work horse and rarely complains about the crazy hours and work load (even on this turnaround...and besides, I usually take care of the complaining for him :/).  Thankfully he loves his job, and even more than that, he loves being able to support me and Arabella.  He's one of a kind, and I am so grateful every day that the Lord chose me to be his helper.

--for my sweet angel baby who makes my heart happy.  Watching her learn and grow and change is one of the neatest experiences.  And on top of that, she's a dadgum cool kid.

Be grateful, give thanks.

love, angie

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