
Friday, October 25, 2019

Dear Arabella,


You gorgeous, precious love are growing right up.  

Your daddy and I realized not long ago that with this birthday you're halfway to your driver's license...holy moly!  We're trying to hang on tight to your childhood and make the most of it, but time just keeps going quickly.

Sister--your sass game is strong.  I constantly have anxiety about your teen years (if they're really as rough as everyone claims) because you and I already butt heads pretty consistently.  Pooyie.  I will say that a lot of this sass is confidence and the rest is leadership--you know what you want to do, when you want to do it, how you want it done, and have no problem correcting someone outside of your parameters.  These qualities are ones I will love for you to have as you get older; but right now, they're exponentially multiplying my grey hairs!

This year for school has been amazing.  You were reading on a fourth grade reading level toward the end of first grade; you received all A's for the year; you were awarded the Citizen of the Year award for your class last year (SO proud of you!); you were chosen as a Bobcat PRIDE recipient last year and got to "paint with the principals"; you got to be in your first school program in last year (as a gourmet goat!); and you were selected for the challenge class and G/T program again this year.  Big things happening!  So far, you are enjoying 2nd grade and doing so well.  You really love your Science class this year and that you get to take Art!

Last school year, we let you play softball and take dance.  We had told you you'd have to choose between softball and dance for this school year because it was just too much.  Well all softball season, you were dead set on sticking with softball (you played for the Aggies--Coach Pitch--and daddy helped coach...y'all only lost one game and got first place in the league)!  We were both kind of over the dance routine and all of the extra everything that comes with it...but then once you had your dance recital and you saw all the different styles of dance and the costumes and the lights and the fancy fun, you were hooked ;)  So now you're taking Jazz, Ballet, and Hip Hop for dance (just ballet last year).  I know you'll probably be a little sad when Kaplan plays ball this spring though and you don't get to (I'll miss watching you too)...however, you'll be his best little cheerleader!

You also started piano lessons in the second semester last year!  I've been wanting you to take lessons since I found out I was pregnant with you.  Music and musical education are SO important to me.  I was so happy to find a great private teacher.  You had your recital in May and it was amazing to see how well you did in just a few short months!  We fight every single time you practice (because you don't want to and I make you--and you get really whiney and want to give up and it all drives me crazy...but I probably did the same thing for Mimi...); but you love your lessons and you really do want to be able to play well.  I love seeing your skill set grow!

One of the joys of my heart is your love for reading.  You'll bring books in the car and to the camp; you read on days I make you rest; if we have enough time in the evenings, you ask to read before bed.  You are my little mini me of a bookworm and I love it!  One of our favorite summer activities was the library program again.  Books, books, all the books!

I think you're up to 7 teeth that you've lost.  The latest one was during lunch at school (we came to meet you), and we're pretty sure you swallowed it!  Every picture of you looks different because you always have a hole in your mouth in different spots, haha.  Those new big permanents are making you look like a real big kid though...

You've finally outgrown the costume phase for the most part (mostly I think because you don't have much time in the afternoons)...but you still love to role play and imagine.  Especially with your brother.  You three fight like cats and dogs and drive me absolutely crazy--but you are also all three absolute best friends.  The boys get so excited when you come home in the afternoons.  You're like their mini mama (which kind of drives them crazy when you're being bossy; but you also help take such good care of them).  Three musketeers :)

Even though you love your brothers and love spending time with your friends, you thrive the most in one on one time.  When daddy and/or I are able to take you on a "date" and just get to spend time with just you--that's when you beam brightest!  You are tender hearted and kind, but you also crave attention and quality time.  We try our best to be intentional about that with you <3

Music has always been so important to me (I hardly ever have silence, always music), and I have passed that love on to you too!  Descendants is your favorite movie(s) right now and a lot of the reason for that is the soundtrack.  We listen to Kidz Bop Pandora in the car all the time and they play a ton of Descendants songs (Queen of Mean is your favorite--you're dressing up as Audrey for Halloween mainly because she sings that song).  You also still love TobyMac and have been to three of his concerts!  I've noticed this year how much your pitch is improving too, and you're actually hitting a lot of the notes and keeping the melody when you sing along.

You're getting more and more prissy as you get older--but you'll still get out and get dirty too.  You love going to the camp and going fishing.  Daddy couldn't get you to hunt with him last year, but he's already working on you for this season ;).  You love to catch frogs and lizards, and I constantly have a little pile of snail shells on my porch that you've dug out of the dirt.  Best of both worlds :)

I am so excited and anxious to see how much more you grow and learn and change this year.  Parts of me miss your tiny self, but I truly love seeing the person you're growing to become!  Your daddy and I are whole-heartedly obsessed with you and we will always be your biggest supporters.  Keep enjoying life and finding giggles every single day.

Arabella, you are our treasured gift; our first baby and only daughter; and I promise that we will always love you more than you will ever know.

 Happy birthday sweet girl!  xoxo, mama

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