
Friday, February 1, 2013

14 Days of Love--Day 1

Oh, Valentine's Day...  I really do feel like that holiday has become one focused on marketing and sales rather than love.  The focus tends to be on how extravagant the gift is rather than how meaningful the love is.

However, I'm also not one of those boycotters of V-day.  I love love.  I'm a helpless romantic whose heart swoons at anything sweet (in real life, in a book, in a my imagination...).  I'm a big sap who gets weepy and worked up even over the cheesy things.  I love love.

I love being in love.  I love being loved.  I love to love other people.

So if it takes an odd little mainstream media holiday for people to take a few days and let the world be centered on love, I'll take it.

This year, I decided to do the 14 days of love for my boy--that's right, he gets FOURTEEN full days of cheesy thoughtful and fun gifts from me.  They aren't real expensive, but they're all things he likes, and they all have a love pun to match.

Let's kick it old school with the photos...

His Prom, 2003
My Homecoming, 2003

I also printed out song lyrics--because what kind of true sap would I be if I don't LOVE love songs?--to go along.  I used to make him CDs every year (but I soon realized he didn't listen to them...why wouldn't a guy ride around blaring "When You Say Nothing At All"?) now I'll just print out the words.  That's why I chose the songs for him the whole time anyway--the words.  Those song lyrics can pack a punch or whisper something so eloquently that your heart has always known.

So for today, he gets the lyrics to "Never Stop" by SafetySuit along with a bag of kisses -- What'd I wanna marry you for anyhow?  So I can KISS you anytime I want...  (insert cheesy factor here; can't say I didn't warn you!)

These gifts aren't much, but they're a reminder that I think about him constantly every day; that I love him creatively and fully; that he's my best friend and my complete match; that he's my favorite.

get out there and spread the love,

original version with lyrics written on screen

(acoustic "wedding" version--words are easier to hear and understand)

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